CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12

Class 12 is a critical milestone in every student’s life. The score plays a major role in deciding further roadmap in a student’s academic future. Thus, the class 12 candidates must prepare themselves the best way possible. Besides taking tuition, online or physical coaching, multiple revisions, it is also advisable to take on dummy test with sample paper class 12. It offers multifaceted benefits and with more and more students getting benefitted from such model exam papers, it has gained popularity and set a trend amongst the students. With this increasing demand, various coaching centers and tuition classes have also come up with modules of class 12 sample papers.     

CBSE board exams are fast approaching. Class 12 students and their parents must consider CBSE sample papers for class 12 with a solution for last-minute preparation. Many coaching centers offer you a two-year integrated course and CBSE sample papers for class 12. You have the IIT-JEE course starting the syllabus for students of Grade 11. This way, you not only prepare your kids for the main board examinations. You also give them a competitive edge towards clearing IIT -Mains, NEET, etc.

Table of Content

  • Benefits of CBSE sample papers for class 12
  • PDF format
  • A wide variety of subjects offered
  • Previous year question papers
  • Foreign sets/ Delhi
  • For home-tutoring students
  • Off the classroom study
  • Lay a solid foundation for your future

In this guide on CBSE sample papers for class 12, you will learn what to expect from the same. In other words, you will be learning about some of the salient features online educational firms can offer you. This would be in conjunction with the preparatory material the school offers too. Shall we go through the same?

Benefits of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12

CBSE sample papers for class 12 can help students get better prepared for one of the most important exams in their lives. It not only helps improve the speed but also helps in attaining accuracy by solving the questions within a timeline. The questions consist of various topics from the syllabus on each subject. If a student thoroughly follows and practices the model paper class 12, he or she is bound to nail the CBSE exams.

Overcome exam phobia: Many students have exam phobia. They get to chill in their bones with the name of exams. Practicing and attempting CBSE sample papers for class 12 as a demo test can help students win over their fear. When the students solve the sample paper class 12, they get a feel of real exams and learn about the pattern and format of the previous years’ questions, timeline, and other aspects attached to the exams. Their minds get fine-tuned and they get rid of the fear of the unknown.

Build accuracy: CBSE sample papers for class 12 with the solution can help you in self-evaluation. You can track how far you got it right, what are the things that went wrong, what could have been made better, and what are the areas of improvement for you. It is a great way to improve your performance.

Attain speed: Slow writing is a common problem in students. They find it difficult to complete the papers within the given timeline. Therefore, practicing the CBSE model paper for class 12 at home can be of great help. Students can precisely know how much time they should spend on what set and type of questions. They can improve their speed and thus be exam-ready at all times.   

Get competitive exams-ready: Solving CBSE sample papers for class 12 not only helps students in getting ready for the class 12 test but also has an edge over the competitive exams like AIEEE, JEE or IIT, etc.  Many coaching centers offer a combo package on their course that has everything integrated.

PDF Format

You have XII TH grade papers in easy-to-download PDF formats. This way, you can easily get printed question papers of subjects. You can crack them the same way as your pre-board or revision examinations. You can carry downloadable copies of sample papers in your pen drive or CD-ROM too. This way, your tuition centers or relevant coaching centers can give you printed copies of the same. Downloading sample papers in PDF format can also help you with taking exams offline.

 A Wide Variety of Subjects offered

You have a wide variety of subjects where sample question papers are available. These include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, English, Physical Education, Computer Science, etc. Specialized subjects refer to French, Arts, and languages. All the subjects provide you with sample papers in an easily downloadable PDF format. This way, you get seamless access to an uninterrupted form of study.

Previous Year Question Papers

This is yet another salient feature with respect to online preparation. Educational institutes put up several previous year question papers for you to dabble with. You can download sample papers from 2013 onwards. Sample papers for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 are available in PDF format.

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Foreign sets/ Delhi

You also have access to downloading foreign sets or Delhi sets. You get set 1, set 2, and set 3 under main examinations and compartment examination pattern too. You get these with the relevant answers and the marking scheme too. This way, you know the trend on questions that are most likely to be repeated by the examiners or paper setters. You can prepare yourself to challenge questions and answer them with a better degree of confidence. This is especially true when you intend to take up board examinations in the hall.

For Home-tutoring Students

For those of you, who are into home-tutoring kids, the infinite options the internet has thrown up come to your advantage. Educational institutes and school management boards present students with free online learning sessions for classes 6 to 12th. You have the learning sessions via mind-boggling videos. You have subjects like Science, Math, English, Languages, and Computer Science covered fabulously. The free sample question papers available for class XII boards also facilitate revision sessions without you going to a tuition center or a coaching board. Students who come from an economically deprived section of society can, therefore, facilitate their learning via online classes.

Off the Classroom Study

You get online classes for class 12 CBSE in the form of video sessions. Do you find that your teachers race you through the subjects or take sessions at lightning speed? You can catch up with online sessions in the very same area of study at home. This way, you can have a clearer understanding of the subjects or Concepts!

Lay a Solid Foundation for Your Future

There are science fiction companies that hold exhibitions, symposiums, and other events from time to time. You may have to enroll in a sci-fi exhibition that can invariably become the pathway of your future. You can participate at the school level, district level, state level, national level, and even international level panels. The scholarships that are awarded to you can be more valuable than your degrees.

You get exposure to how to create a theme from scratch. You then learn the idea of team building when you design or construct project modules from scratch. You then frame the idea of diagnosis, results incurred, and conclusion. You project your theme to a larger-than-life audience. The panel judges can be stalwarts or reputes of national and international universities. You will be given grants and scholarships to pursue your studies abroad too. For pure science students, you can opt for free online science classes for class 12. The subjects include Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Computer Science. Biology can be split into Botany and Zoology.

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Online Test Series

Online Test Series

You have seen a broader perspective on how to clear your 12th board with sample papers. Tips and highlighters have also been provided to home-tutoring students on how they can approach their studies. Now comes tips on how to prepare for Class 12 exams:

  • Practice previous year sample papers at least three months before the onset of the actual examinations. This way, you get ample time to study subjects. You learn the trend on what type of questions are more likely to occur in your main examinations. The paper setters juggle between previous year's papers to arrive at questions.
  • Have a stopped clock or a timer while you solve papers. This way, you pick the speed and the momentum to answer a maximum number of questions. Especially when you have lengthy answers to complete within the 3 hours. Attempting difficult questions can fetch you ample marks. The accuracy and precious answers come next.
  • At the main examination hall, never spend too much time answering one question. You may not have enough time to complete the other sections of the question paper. Answer easier questions first. The lengthy answers can be done at the end.
  • Else you can look at it the other way around. Answer 3/4ths of the detailed answer and leave some space to complete the same. Answer shorter questions. You can come back to these answers at the end. This way, you won’t be wasting too much time on answering one single question.

Now that you know the tips to prepare for your exams, and have CBSE sample papers for Class 12 at your disposal, start preparing right away.

Study Spectrum, an online educational portal, provides study materials, sample papers, video tutorials, and more for students preparing for their board exams. Look beyond your textbooks and notebooks, and utilize your free time to study online to achieve excellent grades. Visit for more information!

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-- Study Spectrum

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